90G Tank Breakdown in South Jersey

Ortho Bill

New member
90G Tank Breakdown in South Jersey


Attempted to sell this as a package but I guess I'll break this down pc. by pc. I 've had 3 people back out for vaious reason and it's getting a little frustrating.......

Black 90G RR Tank and Custom Black Base $250
with return plumbing. (38" high)

Mag 9.5 Return Pump $ 45

48" USA Orbit 4 x 96w PC's w/ Legs $200

20G long sump (baffled) $ 25

300w heater $ 15

Blue Hippo Tang 3" $ 35

Lemonpeel Angel 2.75" $ 30

Flame Hawkfish 2.5" $ 30

True Percula 2.5" $ 20

False Percula 2" $ 15

Bl. / Gr. Chromis 1" free

or All for $550 ( a $110 savings????)

Everything is approx. half of what I paid (or less) for it less than two years ago.

Pictures available with an e-mail address.

I am located in West Deptford which is 15 min. south of the Walt Whitman Bridge.
I hope to break down this tank within the next two weeks. I am remodeling my house soon and this has to go. Please no low - ball offers, I just assume put it into storage first.

Sorry, prefer not to ship anything if possible. But if I did it would be at your cost.

Thanks for looking, Bill