A few noob shots


SCRK Member
Here are a few shots from my tank. Some of the pictures I have seen in the zoanthid forum have really inspired me. I don't know much about photography but I would like to learn more. However I get the feeling I will have to drop some serious coin to get a nice camera and I already have an expensive hobby:fun4:





However I get the feeling I will have to drop some serious coin to get a nice camera and I already have an expensive hobby:fun4:

No TRUE'R words have ever been spoken. I remember reading someone's signature that said this "What's the difference between a reef tank and a money shredder? -- The shredder won't trip the GFCI circuit!"

I'm in the same boat. Spent the last two years building up a decent reef set-up(s) with the start of a decent Z&P collection only to realize I can't really do them justice with my POS point-n-shoot camera. The financial drains never end with this hobby - not complaining though.

Then....let us not forget. After we finally learn how to maintain stable water parameters, program the controllers, build LED arrays, etc.... The learning curve isn't over either. Now time to figure start researching DSLRs, macro lenses and the whole process repeats itself. My brain hurts as bad as my wallet. :bigeyes: