A few questions


New member
I am looking to turn my 10gal tank into a refugium/sump. What I need to know is where do you guys get the acrylic panels for the dividers? What size return pump should I use? What size bulk head should I use? What size holes should I drill? Do you guys know anyone that will drill a tank for me and how much they would charge? The display tank is going to be a 20gal. The reason I am going to the 20gal is because it is a lot easier to get a 24" light fixture than it is to get a 20". I would also like to try out the sump filter instead of a hang on.

Lowes sells acrylic panels you can use to divide your 10.
I'd get a Mag 5 for a return, the size however will depend on how high you have to pump the water from the 10 to the 20.
I'd use a 3/4" bulkhead, 1" is way larger than you'll need and 1/2" is a waste of time. ;)
The bulkhead, Lifeguard brand, will say what size hole you'll need.
I drill my own holes, not sure of who near you can and again what size they'll need to be. Call local glass shops if a local club member can't drill it.
You can use glass instead of the acrylic. It will be cheaper. I got my 3 baffles cut for my 20l for less than $10.