A little help please


New member
I just noticed about 2 days ago one of my colonies of zoanthids have little white spots on them when they close up at night. They are on the stalks, if you will, and aren't visible when the zoanthids are open during the day. They are about the size of a pencil dot and are sparsley speckeled all over. I only have one clown and he doesn't bug them and a few snails. Anybody have any ideas?????
Well, if you want to know about the trials and tribulations that other reefers on this board went through, then read the whole thread.

Otherwise, I can give you the short version.
It's tough to say. All of my colonies bounced back except one, it died. Some came back with a vengence, others are just slowly making a comeback. Keeping your aquarium parameters stable is part of the key to erradicating this problem.
12 gallon nano... I would change only 1 gallon at a time.;)