A Picture of a piece of my tank...


In Memoriam
Ok, I just got another digi cam after my other one has broke and I took some pictures (I totally suck at it) and heres some pics of some zoos, clams, ricorida I keep at the lower mid/right section of my tank. And before you look, I am very sorry for my horrible pics... I still got to get use to this camera and get a tripod... definately...

Colors are pretty off on most of the coral... I have to work with the colorbalance... let me see if I can find another decent picture...
More pics more pics more pics... sorry if my next posts blows up your computer... if you wish not to wait for it, just go to http://www.zurcsreef.com/tankpics (website is very out dated, haven't work on it in a little over a year now), but the pics are in that link... As for the people who rather not click the link and see it here, view my next posts...
Flash was used in most of the pics... If I knew how to adjust the white balance, the pics would be better... I just got the thing, lol. Only way I was able to get a clear pic is with the flash... I will learn soon...
what works for me:

tripod (or other steady surface, a few stacked buckets will work)
flash off
room lights off
water pumps turned off
macro mode
shot timer - ensures there is NO camera movement at all

some shots i took tonight are in the link. On a few of the shots, i set the white balance to the inside of my canopy. This made everything blue (20k bulb) look white(r) than it really is. Especially visible in the front tank picture. Compare that with the picture of my whole system, where white balance wasnt adjusted.
Well, this is what I got so far guys, hope you enjoy it. I will be messing around with the camera til I can figure out how to use it better. And just FYI, the zoo's with "Zurcs" in front of it, are colors that morphed in my tank due to stress when I moved... alot of these pieces are newly acquired zoo's as I lost very many of them and sold very many of them during my upgrade.
Thanks, been practicing with the camera, trying to learn more about it and how to use it. Anyways, my tank is only about 3 months old and matured pretty quickly, growth rate of the corals are unbelievable, alot of the frags I have recieved from some friends including rogger have already healed over onto the rocks. Will try to get better pics by tonight and show off some of my sps pieces :)

-Mike C.
great pics mike. my dad JUST took the plunge buying an SLR today, and he has $1000s in lens from when he was huge in photography that will fit the new camera.. im going to be "borrowing" it quite a bit... lol
Lol nice, the Canon Powershot Pro1 is actually just a DSLR, but fits what I want to do with it (Pretty nice Tank shots, macro shots, etc.), anyways I will be getting a tri-pod for it when I get out of work.

Btw, I got some helpful links from people here on RC on how to adjust the camera, I will be doing that tonight aswell and maybe post some better pictures tonight.

-Mike C.
Looking great!

I noticed that pictures come out 100x better if you NEVER use zoom. Just take a picture on a higher res and crop it to what you need.
Thats what I did for last few pictures, plus I just found the "super macro" button :) will have better pics tomorrow.

Thanks for the comments everyone,
-Mike C.