A question


Is it true that using an ozonizer in your home is carcinogenic (cancerous) to our health?
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In theory, but keep in mind that ozone is everywhere in small quantities. While it can be carcinogenic, it's about the concentrations. Also when it's injected into the tank, it breaks down into the water and isn't released as ozone. Also there is usually a lot of gas exchange in our houses, especially around our tanks, so that helps.

If ozone is carcinogenic, I worry more about those ionic breeze machines than I do about an ozonizer on my aquarium, since my friends have had the ionic breeze things filling their places with ozonized air, and I've been breathing it in.... so yeah... ::shrug::
ozone has been proved to increase lung decease, specially dangerous around people with asma. The output of a skimmer when introduced with a venturi, has to go throe activated charcoal, the problem is skimmers are not designed to do this. My skimmer is outdoors, so I have no problem with that. Also the ozonozed water has to go throe charcoal to stop the increase in bromide. One think about ozone is its very unstable so its not a gas that will stay around for more than split seconds. The constant exposure to any gases can be called carcinogenic, since everything else is :D
Furthermore, ozone is used to kill mold, disinfect houses after floods, kill any smell, the new car smell :D is ozone, they use it to kill any odors, if I had to use a corona discharge ozonozer inside the house I would not use it, even when I use my outdoor unit (true 50w @ 15kv corona discharge) the area around it within 5ft after a while smells ozone. It totally disintegrated a non ozone safe plastic screen, basically turned it to sand :D
ReefWreak: the ionic breeze uses ionicaly charged particles in the blades to attract the dust. The GP model which is "germ protection" uses a uv sterlizer bulb in the front. I worked at sharper image for 3 years you are given classes tests to understand these products on a weekly bases there. Or atleast when I worked there. It's totaly different then an ozonizer.

Young Frankenstein: I currently work at a dealership and they use a little spray bottle not an aerosal bottle to whip the cars with for that new car smell even the used ones. It's part of the get ready/inspection package that is charged to the vehicle inventory cost.
I thank you for your knowledge that explains a lot of how it works and I'm going to check out the links now. I was sort of hoping you would be one to respond :0) -Michelle
Michelle, I use ozone in my tank, I don't use it 24/7 and the way my skimmer works all the air discharges through the drain and therefore outside my house, I have never heard that it produces cancer but I am not surprised as so many thing this days seem to do that.
Thats a smart way to hook it up Rogger. I would love to try using it but I can't figuure out a way to hook it up safely in an apartment! :)