A Trip to the LFS Does a Body Good!


New member
Nothing improves my mood better than a trip to the LFS (as long as it's a good one). I work in Boca, so I sometimes ramble on over to Barrier Reef to check out what they've got. I've left before with stuff they have special prices on like mushroom rocks, etc....usually small stuff, as I don't have much room in my nano. I needed this trip today because I had my three remaining wisdom teeth out yesterday, then went to work today, so I deserved a reward!

I left today with a Caulastrea (Neon Green) that looks mediocre...I don't know a heck of a lot about them, but it wasn't much $$, so I figured I'd give it a shot (it also is a small colony, so fits in quite nicely). It looks like it needs some TLC. I also got the nice lady that helped me (I wish I would have gotten her name, she's helped my numerous times there and is very knowledgable) to scoop up some tiny mushrooms and other small pieces that were floating around in the small coral tanks.

Here's the Caulastrea colony:

You can see the two heads where I was holding it to place it...not too happy about it and slimed like crazy. It's all opening up now.

And here's the best shot I could get of the shrooms...I think I dipped my lens in the water for this one too :eek1: ...oops!

Green seemed to be my theme today...it contrasts quite nicely with all of the pink and brown I've got in my tank;) !

Any advice on the Caulastrea would be appreciated...I just fed some Reef Bugs and I dose with a nano supplement, so I think I've got it covered for now, but I'm sure there's more I could do.

Thanx in advance!
Which lady did you get, the older one or the shorter, younger one?

I liked the neon green but it was colored, and they couldn't give me a time frame on how long the color would last. So I passed on it.

Please keep me updated with how long the color lasts, hopefully it's a long time.
It was the older lady with an accent...not sure where she may be from originally. We were chatting about lighting since I had seen the T-5's over their display tanks. She mentioned how she prefers lighting other than MH for corals. Sounds like she's been doing this for a llllllooooonnnnnggggg time!

By "colored" do you mean artificially? I had heard of them doing this, but never had seen a specimen (that I knew of) had that done to it. The color is awesome, but the flesh just looks a little minimal...not sure if that's just the way it grew or if it's malnourished or something. As I said, with the price being what it was, I figured it wouldn't be too much of a waste if I can't keep it around.
Yeah we almost always deal with her or Robin. Good people.

Yeah they color (I don't think THEY as in BR color them, but IDK) the corals but I don't now how long it lasts. I think the color may stay for a long time but I would think as it grows the actual color would show through. I loved the look of the candy cane and nearly bought one but I just wasn't sure what was going to happen to it.
Yeah, my hubby Randy used to deal with Robin...he's a good guy. When Randy had his tank, he was propogating Xenia like crazy, so Robin would give him credit each time he brought some in. Randy didn't pay for much during that time ;) . Hopefully, I'll be propogating something soon to frag/trade!

So, is the common name for this "candy cane?" I wasn't sure. I've read some different names in the internet for similar specimens.
I think so, but I am hardly a reliable source. haha

I actually started fragging Xenia and keeping it in the FAR corner of my tank so I can let it spread on rubble and turn it in for credit there.