about 100+ little starfishes


New member
hi everyone,

i have a 125g reef tanks, and lately ive been seeing more and more of those little starfishes on the back and on the glass of my tank. is there any way i can get rid of those besides grabbing them out one by one. and are they good or bad for my tank?
Harlequin shrimp

Some of the little stars eat algae, others appear to prefer coralline... more than few is too many for my tastes...

It would probably be more of a hassle to remove them, they're very similar to MT snails in FW tanks, they just keep reproducing so you should use the aforementioned Harlequin shrimps to naturally remove them.
Harmess until you see them on your coralline covered rocks, and the coralline is receding...

i remember when i had about 100 of these, now i have about 1,000,000 of them and i wish id spent time getting them out manually.
my coraline is looking all patchy and every morning i'm greeted with litrally hundreds of these all over the glass.
cant use a harliquin shrimp either as it would just be an expensive meal for one or two of my fish......get them out while you can !