about FMAS ???

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In Memoriam
Hi guys

I just want to know few things ..

1=why if this is florida marine aquarium society MIAMI MIAMI MIAMI the meetings are at FORT LAUDERDALE ???

2=why is never e meeting a Saturday or Sunday ???

sorry for my crazy english :D

Hey Cubano, I am in no position to answer your questions since I am not part of the club directive however, since I am a member of this club I am going to give you my opinion "why probably" to your questions

1= Actually, it is not MMAS (M=Miami) but instead it is FMAS which in my opinion when it was founded (over 50 years ago) it was intended for a much broader area than it is now, therefore the meetings have been planned as centric as possible to be able to entice people from all parts of South Florida to assist and hopefully join E.g. As far north as Boca Raton, Boyton Bch, Palm Bch. Cty. And south, Hollywood, Miami, South Miami.
I think the Fort Lauderdale area is a central area that has a good amount of highways convenient to most of us, this includes I-95, I-595, Fl Turnpike, A-1a etc.

2= Saturdays & Sundays are in my opinion for most people to spend with the family, although this is not my case as I work on the weekends, I am sure my wife would not be to happy if I tell her that one Saturday every month, I am going to go to a meeting at 7:15pm ?, also from pass experience the attendance to meetings held on the weekend tend to be very inconsistent, this is mostly due to the wide variety of event that tend to happen on the weekend more than during the week, E.g. Holidays, birthdays, celebrations etc. therefore, weekdays ensure a more consistent attendance.
I must repeat that these are my opinions only. Hope they helped
Roger if u look at Reef Club Forums u will see many clubs here in florida we have a few

Florida Marine Aquarium Society (FMAS) - MIAMI

Palm Beach Marine Aquarium Society (PBMAS)PALM BEACH

Orlando Reef Caretakers Association (ORCA) ORLANDO

South Florida Reef/Saltwater Aquaria (SFRA) SOUTH FLORIDA

Tampa Bay Reef Club TANPA

Florida Panhandle Reefkeepers

Florida Reef Aquarist Guild (FRAG)

and some more

the orlando club is in orlando the Palm Beach club is in Palm Beach ext ext anyway I just want to know why.I never say that it will be better to do the meetings Saturdays & Sundays..... but it will be nice if wi have some meting Saturdays & Sundays NOT all the meetings Saturdays & Sundays... si tu mujer puede pensar q bas a hacer algo malo sabado 7:15 pm lo puede pensar tambien entre semana no creo q de lamanera qme escrivistes fue la mejor para serte sinsero me sono un poco payaso de tu parte sorry pero es lo q pienso disculpa si me equivoco lee bien numca dije q las reuniones fueran todos los sabados y domingo [why is never e meeting a Saturday or Sunday ??? ] numca dije q todos los sabados y domingos muchos de nosotros como yo aqui trabajamos mucho y no tenemos tienpo entre semana para ir a los metings yo solo e podido ir a 1 por eso pregunto porq me gustaria ir mas segido

sorry guys my english is not that good that`s why I use some hispanic
I would have to agree with Rogger.....Saturdays & Sundays are in my opinion for most people to spend with the family. I work in the afternoons 7 days a week and for me to attend the meeting's I have to take a vacation day which sucks.
I do believe that the club started in Miami back in '55'. I am not sure why they are held in Broward. When I joined it was held at IGFA. But that had its own problems. It was better for the Dade members but the museum wanted us to leave early or something. I know they tried alternating the meetings every other month and for some reason that didn't work. Maybe to confusing to keep track of where it was that month? I know they have had weekend meetings before and the ones I went to were pretty sparse. I just take off early the day of the meetings, It is only once a month! But my work situation is a little different than most.

thanks a lot for u replys ... I want to make sure that I don`t have any problems I just want to know those things because I don`t have time to go and I will like to go more often...

roger I got u pm thanks man I just pm u back
Hey, maybe you guys could tape the meeting and then post it on the website so all of us busy South people could go to a virtual meeting. Or a webcam? lol Maybe we need a online chat reef meeting.

I know a lot of people down here that would like to be involved, but just don't have the time to make it there. If you get off work at 5pm down here it is virtually impossible to make it up by 7pm on I-95 or the palmetto.

I don't know a good solution, because two different meeting places doesn't work well either. Live streaming meeting is all I can think of. Any computer nerds??? ;p

I would love to start a frag club or something. Or a coral growers cooperative like on the West coast.

Why are our meetings where they are now?
1. It's free!
2. They love us there
3. We kinda do whatever we want (Little rules)
4. We have our own club tanks established there
5. Alot of people show up, including myself and I live by the Miami Airport.
We could start a frag club within FMAS. All we have to do is talk about it and get a group together.

I have been talking to a group of growers around the state about a Co-op. But so far it has not gotten off the ground.
For years the meetings were held at the Miami Museum of Science I admired all the members that drove down from Broward now is time for us drive up, I love the club but have only been able to make two meeting driving from Coral Gables at 5:30 but do not object because my impression is that most members live in Broward.
I don't mind the location either, I actually think its great that the club has found a fairly permanent home. Now Miami's traffic is the real problem. lol
Is Miami getting so big that we need a second chapter of the club for down south? It's hard to find a solution to this problem that will satisfy everyone.
I really think online dialogue about the club would make it easier for more people that don't have the time to travel, to participate in this club.
Could we post the topics that were discussed during the meetings here, so those of us that didn't a chance to attend could catch up and have a sort of "online" meeting?

Just throwing some ideas out there.

A second chapter might not be a bad idea as long as it helps FMAS grow, an informal meeting a couple of days before the main meeting (Broward) we can even set up a car pool and those attending could report to those left behind. We have so many current members and potential members that just need that personal contact as motivation to get involved.

I am personally willing to help out.

hey about that frag club sounds really nice lest do that :D

TitaniuIVI u really answer my question thanks

1. It's free!
2. They love us there
3. We kinda do whatever we want (Little rules)
4. We have our own club tanks established there
5. Alot of people show up, including myself and I live by the Miami Airport.

A second chapter will be super cool .....
I agree with the consensus. It is next to impossible for those of us living in Central or South Dade to attend a meeting starting at 7PM. It is doable, but you have to leave Miami before 5PM, which is impossible for me. It might be possible for me to attend meetings regularly if they are held on the weekend. I heard the argument in the past has been that weekend is for the family. However, we are only talking about 2 or 3 hours for one day a month. Hey, I got three kids and Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m willing to give up a little time to attend. Am I saying I will attend every meeting? No, but it makes it possible for me to attend when I can break away. Heck, I can even make it a family outing because the kids donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t have to attend school the following morning. ;)

I think it is worth considering.

Sorry if this is a little off topic, but what goes on in these meetings? ( I didn't want to start a new thread since you guys are already talking about the meetings)
DJOfir, usually there is a speaker that will talk about a topic of interest to the hobby, the is a an auction for frags, and the usual exchange of opinions among members, this weekend they have a tank hop going on, I think the meeting point is at the school were the meetings are held and from there to see a few nice fish tanks from the members. I wont be able to assist to this tank hop because I am working but will try the next one.
This is a great opportunity for those who would like to participate in the weekend activity to join in.
Weekend's for me are for fishing,diving,and doing the occasional Theme Park trip. I can't imagine giving up that for a meeting.50 years ago the members where doing the same minus Theme Parks but where also heavy into collecting there own specimens and most did spearfishing as well.Plus there always the tradition of having the meetings on Tuesdays for over 50 years.
I love the history and tradition of the club but after 50 years I think there is potential for growth and improvement. I totally disagree with disturbing the Tuesday meeting but I am all for a couple additional smaller meetings (Miami - WPB) if there is a demand and people willing to work.
hey were is chrisaggie ???? I think hi can do something about it or just say what hi think CRISAGGIE were are u man :D :D
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