acclimating corals to new fixture, IDEAS????


New member
Hey guys,

im setting up my new lights tomorrow when they arrive, and was wondering how or what i should be doing to insure my corals dont get burned out or fried from the new light

i currently have a single 150watt MH with a 14k bulb HQI
i will be upgrading to 2 aquamedic 250watt 20k bulbs HQI

any ideas on how high above the tank they should be, how many hours i should put them on for, if i should move some corals to the bottom of the tank??

thanks for the tips guys
I would either, move all corals to the sand, Or the easy way shorter the time the ligths are on to about 1 or 2 hours the first week, and then every week go up 1 hour. This work form me when i changed my lights.Do this for about 4-5 weeks and you will be good. Also i have my lights about 6 to 8 in from the water. Your call on what way to go however if you decide to move the corals down to the bottom i would still use the light time increment method. same method one hour longer every week for about 4-6 weeks
either move the light higher and slowly bring it down till they acclimate. or place screens over your tank, and remove 1 layer at a time.
With the Aquamedics you can adjust the height of the lights all the way to the ceiling, so move em up a foot or so and keep an eye on your corals. If they stress or bleach, move it up further, or move individual corals down if it is only one or two. Then, over the course of days/weeks, move the light slowly down a bit every day or two.