Acro Crab: good or bad?


New member
I have 2 acro crabs in one of my colony, one is a small completely white one which im pretty sure is fine, but the other is large (1 in diameter), red and white, and has one big claw and tries to attack my finger when i get near the colony.
They sound like the good ones. Unlike the hairy bad ones. Watch them if there not chowing down of the tissue then their good IMO.
definitely need picts (and pretty much all crabs will "snap" at you when "cornered"

A couple of general rules of thumb when it comes to crabs in coral

1. Smooth carapace == good
2. Hairy == bad
3. Blue eyes == bad

The little white one, does it have a black band across where it's eyes are ? (looking like a black mask) ? If so then that is the aptly named bandit crab (I think that was what they called it), and is one of the good ones :)

But get us those pictures :)