Acro crab? How to tell and should I remove?


New member
I just got a maricultured coral that has what probably is an acro crab. How can I tell? and should I keep or discard?

I had a couple acro crabs in a milipora before that were fiine (until I lost them in a red bug treatment a year and a half ago). The acro is tight branched so all I have seen so far is a small claw and its NOT hairy! Should I yank the coral out and force the crab out to get a good look or wait it out - and that it's probably OK?

I have multiple Arco crabs, and they do no harm, and from my understanding, are actually beneficial. Chances are that you have an Acro crab if it has taken up residence on your Acro. Mine are pale white to pink, no hair, and have a black mask. I would leave it alone if I were you. I kind of enjoy mine.
does it look something like this? i got one out of my arco too still not sure if i should put him back in or not

the crab in the picture is a good thing. We dont yet know the benefits but some say they help clean the acros.
The crab I have is a small white crabe with black dots in its legs. The colony that it came in did not acclimate well and over 50% of it bleached. I may try to save some frags off this colony. Will the crab take host in another colony or can I move it there myself?

Just an update. I put that acro crab in a purple acro, but he migrated to and has made a home in a green milipora!
jcm did it also have black spots on its face? That's the one I have that I suspect is killing my red table acro. Do you still see yours? How is the coral it's hosting in?
I can't remember if it had black spots on its face or not. It's been in that green mili and the mili is thriving. Next time I pull it out and frag a few branches - I'll try to check for the dots on the face and post back.
For the record, I've seen a bad acro crab that has smooth claws and face, and only hair on its back half. I found it thanks to it having killed a nice stylo. The fully smooth crabs with typically more pretty colors are good. I've seen hundreds of bandit acro crabs, as well as a few purple ones, one purple with orange stripes that I had, and I've seen yellow.
