Acropora Coral


New member
I have quite a few corals (LPS) in a frag tank, all doing well - but the one SPS I have tried to keep bleached. What am I missing. Parameters are good. Lighting? Kessil a360we over a 20L.
I have quite a few corals (LPS) in a frag tank, all doing well - but the one SPS I have tried to keep bleached. What am I missing. Parameters are good. Lighting? Kessil a360we over a 20L.

Conditions for SPS (Acropora) and LPS are quite different.

All SPS love fast flow, bright light, and absolutely perfect, consistent on-point water condition, LPS are much more fore giving. Mixed reefs are tough, but not impossible to run.

I know your parameters are perfect, but can you list, this would be helpful, especially nitrate and phosphate....
Salinity - 1.024
Temp - 79.8
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 0 to 5
Phosphate - Less than .25
Calcium - 425
Mag - 1330
Alk - 10
PH - 8.0
How long are these corals lasting/timeframe stuff?
Bleaching or Tissue necrosis?
Height of light? power setting..
How stable is your alk staying?
Likely high Alk (10) couple with low Nitrates and/or phosphates. Possible that these numbers are not stable either. Shooting for a mixed reef myself, I find that when the numbers fluctuate various types of coral like different parameters than others. SPS have been the hardest to keep due to RTN & STN. Cannot find the source either.

SPS parameters from what I've seen across forums and articles seem to be around:

Alk - 7.5-8.5 dKH
Cal - 380-420
Mg - 1200-1300
Nitrates - <1 ppm
Phosphates <.1 ppm

Just my .02
^^^^ +1
A fluctuation of 1dkh can wipe out an entire sps tank while lps and softies don't even bat an eye. The numbers Rob posted are a great base line and do seem to be the average and can be tweaked for individual tanks.

What type of sps are you trying? Some are also more forgiving then others. Good starters are stylos, monti's, and birdsnest just to name a few. Acro's are much more difficult and far less forgiving to the beginner sps keeper.

Personally at this point I have given up on a mixed reef. I have the makings of one and while the couple sps i do have and the lps are doing well my zoas have suffered so I don't consider that success. Not saying you shouldn't try just giving my personal experience as I've accepted at this point it's one or the other. Down the road when I can toe that fine line better who knows.
I usually believe that stability in numbers is more important than any specific number as long as you are in the acceptable range

There are cases of people finding though that with ultra low nutrient levels that corals do not do well with higher alk or higher light..
For many reefers this isn't an issue.. But it can be for some.

Just like humans if you are "weak/ can't stay out in the heat or run miles like you could if you had the proper nutrients in you
Completely agree, stability is king. Only thing that stands out as an issue to me is the 10dkh and low nutrients.

My phos sits around .03 average, nitrate .2 average, and alk rock steady at 7.8 since adding brs doser. My monti grows like crazy, a recently added stylo is coloring up nicely with growth tips, and a turquoise stag while more slowly is coloring up and a little growth.
What type of sps are you trying? Some are also more forgiving then others. Good starters are stylos, monti's, and birdsnest just to name a few. Acro's are much more difficult and far less forgiving to the beginner sps keeper.

Yeah, this is what I've experienced. I had an acro in a softie/LPS tank and it did not do well. It didn't die outright, but barely grew and was frequently unhappy. I gave it away to give it a chance.

I got a stylophora as a gift this Christmas, and that thing is happy as hell in there, and is growing quite quickly with less-than-stellar lighting. They look nice and furry/flowing in decent flow too.
Yeah, this is what I've experienced. I had an acro in a softie/LPS tank and it did not do well. It didn't die outright, but barely grew and was frequently unhappy. I gave it away to give it a chance.

I got a stylophora as a gift this Christmas, and that thing is happy as hell in there, and is growing quite quickly with less-than-stellar lighting. They look nice and furry/flowing in decent flow too.

I attribute my short term success with sps (if you wanna call it that) to having the easier ones. Some consider them the weeds of sps. To me there stepping stones to the more difficult acros. The one acro I do have is still considered an easier one. Start easy and work up. My zoas don't grow at all. They look nice and open, just dont grow.

I was half sidetracked earlier and now realize OP said it was an acro. If you can slowly lower all you may still be able to save it. If not dont give up and maybe start with some easier ones mentioned. There are plenty more out there as well. I just listed a few as a starting point.
Those numbers look good except Alk, as mentioned, bit to high, I use 8.0-8.5 dkh. I assume these numbers are stable.

I keep a batch of Acroporas, with their tips just an inch or so below the surface, under LED, fast, random directional current, about 14 months old now.

My numbers same as your mostly except Alk......this parameter and its stability is most important.
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate all of it. Best way to reduce alk other than time and water changes?
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate all of it. Best way to reduce alk other than time and water changes?

time and water changes are my preferred methods.

your alk number isn't super-dangerous high, so in my opinion it would be better off to let it fall slowly. cut back on your dosing a bit, do a water change or two, and keep an eye on your numbers. it will start sinking.
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate all of it. Best way to reduce alk other than time and water changes?

Just let it come down on its own, no need to rush this, slow is always better.
Assume you were dosing to get it to 10......

Some reefers keep Alk at 10 (or higher) but in these cases they also keep calcium high and magnisum high...."they" believe faster coral growth.....hard to know for sure.....I stick closer to NSW parameters to be safe..
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