I have quite a few corals (LPS) in a frag tank, all doing well - but the one SPS I have tried to keep bleached. What am I missing. Parameters are good. Lighting? Kessil a360we over a 20L.
What type of sps are you trying? Some are also more forgiving then others. Good starters are stylos, monti's, and birdsnest just to name a few. Acro's are much more difficult and far less forgiving to the beginner sps keeper.
Yeah, this is what I've experienced. I had an acro in a softie/LPS tank and it did not do well. It didn't die outright, but barely grew and was frequently unhappy. I gave it away to give it a chance.
I got a stylophora as a gift this Christmas, and that thing is happy as hell in there, and is growing quite quickly with less-than-stellar lighting. They look nice and furry/flowing in decent flow too.
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate all of it. Best way to reduce alk other than time and water changes?
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate all of it. Best way to reduce alk other than time and water changes?
post a pic of the frag and your tank, and where did it come from?
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate all of it. Best way to reduce alk other than time and water changes?