Acrylic custom 96/32/23 ~ 300g for sale


New member
Hi guys, due to an upcoming house remodel and move, my tank is going up for sale.
It was fabricated by John from AA 2 years ago.
Dimensions are 96/32/23
Comes with a wooden stand that's skinned and a 90 gallon sump. I may throw in a laguna return pump. I have a bunch of live rock you can have w the tank. No other equipment included. The overflow is hanging back overflow set up for bean animal and works great. Rounded corners and low profile bracing on top. The tank is 1 inch acrylic all around....

Price of the package is 1200. The tank should be ready to go in a week or two. I can throw in a fish or two (blonde Naso etc) just to sweeten the deal. Pm me here for more info

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Nice tank. FYI RC requires you put a price in all for sale threads or they will remove it.
I have some interest in it but so far no cash in my hand. If you are interested, I’m somewhat obo as I’m holding off painting the ro until the tank is gone