Hoping someone can help with this problem. I have a 240 gallon ******* tank. I bought it used. It
Has been up and running for 5 months. It's 8ft long. I just noticed the seam that holds the top to the back of the tank has about an 8 inch section that became cloudy and is not holding. It's right in the center and its where the tank bows the most. The back panel is stick out about 3/16 along this 8" section of seam that has separated. Can this be repaired with Weldon 16? What are my options? The rest of the seams look fine and no leaks. Any advise would be great.
Has been up and running for 5 months. It's 8ft long. I just noticed the seam that holds the top to the back of the tank has about an 8 inch section that became cloudy and is not holding. It's right in the center and its where the tank bows the most. The back panel is stick out about 3/16 along this 8" section of seam that has separated. Can this be repaired with Weldon 16? What are my options? The rest of the seams look fine and no leaks. Any advise would be great.