ACSerial2Web / ACII no internet access

Big Papa

New member
Any help is appreciated with this baffeling problem. I have a ACII conected to a Win7 64 bit PC via a serial cable and a USB to serial adapter. I can communicate fine with ate ACII via both AquaNoteslite and ACSerial2Web from the hard wired computer. I have read all of D0ughB0y's documentation thoroughly and I feel I have configured ACSerial2Web correctly. I have tried 2 different routers (yes I reconfigured my entire home network trying to get this to work). I was unable to configure port forwarding using the ACSerial2Web UPnP tool. I configured both routers manualy following the manufacture's instructions. When I try to access the ACII via the internet I use the following format: http://myexternalip:8888 . I assigned a static local ip to the computer connected to ACII. When I use the above address I get a message that resource (myip) is online but not responding to connection attempts on 8888. It says this could be due to a firewall issue but I get the same problem with the firewall turned off. I have set permissions for ACSerial2Web in windows firewall. I have punched so many holes in my router and firewall I think I need to remove the program, reset the firewall and router, and start from scratch. I plan to start this process in a couple of days but would appreciate any and all advice prior to starting the setup from scratch so that I may succeed this time. I read through all the other forums and have not found this issue addressed. I have tried emailing D0ughB0y but I have not heard back and the last post I saw from him were several months old so I am thinking he must be taking a break from this project (can't blame him from what I have read he has gone way out of his way to help people). Anyway, I hope I was clear and that someone has a good piece of advice for me.

JT aka Big Papa
<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=1 width=720 bgColor=#ffffff height=435><TBODY><TR><TH vAlign=top rowSpan=2 width=160 scope=col><!-- End Table6 --></TH></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top><!-- Start Table9 --><TABLE width=540 height=410><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=mainBodyheader height=35 vAlign=top>Advanced Gateway - Forwarding</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD height=410 vAlign=top><!--------------START MAIN BODY HERE----------------------><FORM method=post name=TempForwarding action=/goform/AGwForwarding><TABLE width=400><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE border=1 width=390><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=8 align=center>Port Forwarding</TD></TR><TR><TD>Index</TD><TD>Local IP</TD><TD>Start Port</TD><TD>End Port</TD><TD>Protocol</TD><TD>Enabled</TD></TR><TR><TD id=Item1 vAlign=middle align=center>1.</TD><TD>192.168.0.<INPUT name=tmpAddressLocal1IP3 maxLength=3 value=15 size=3></TD><TD><INPUT name=tmpPortGlobalStart1 maxLength=5 value=8888 size=5></TD><TD><INPUT name=tmpPortGlobalEnd1 maxLength=5 value=8888 size=5></TD><TD><SELECT size=1 name=tmpProtocol1><OPTION value=4>TCP<OPTION value=3>UDP<OPTION selected value=254>Both</OPTION></SELECT></TD><TD><INPUT name=tmpEnable1 value=0x01 CHECKED type=checkbox></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM>ubee model # U10c022

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> was assigned as the local static IP for the computer attached to ACII. I assigned the static IP using Win7 to modify the properties of the internet adapter on the computer under IP4 settings. IPCONFIG shows that local address assigned correctly. 8888 is the port being used by ACSerial2Web. I tried outher ports but went back to the default.

What device is between that router and the Internet connection, if any?
What is the WAN/Internet IP address of the Ubee? (just list the first 3 parts like
Currently there is nothing else between the router and internet. The router is an all-in-one that was supplied by the cable company. Previously I had the wi-fi shut down on the all-in-one and my personal router attached. I thought that might have been the issue with trying to forward the port twice so I took my router out of the loop and now just use the all in one connected to the computer with ethernet cable. When I go to I show an external ip of I acess the router configuration locally at Thanks for taking an interest RussM. I have to get ready for work but will try to check back throughout the day.

In case anyone finds this thread and is still having problems I am posting my solution. The issue was related to the all in one (modem/router/telephone/wifi) that comcast provided. It is a Ubee brand. This router simply would not forward the ports despite being configured by manufacture instruction. I still needed the modem and phone line so I simply listed my Trendnet router with a static IP in the Ubee all in one. I then configured that IP in the DMZ. This forces the Ubee all in one to pass all request to the Trendnet router without altering them. I did not lose any security because the Trendnet router is still between me and the Internet. Once that was complet I was able to configure port forwarding in the trendnet and I am now able to acess the ACSerial to web program via the internet. I gave my self a real education in networking in the process. There a re still a few glitches I have to work out with the ACSerial2Web program. The problem it has now is that if I try and change the state of my controlled devices over the internet the Windows service kicks off. This blows because that was the appeal of the whole thing (turning stuff off and on when I am not there). If anyone knows the fix on the service please share.

JT AKA Big Papa