Added 2 small clowns, need an opinion


New member
Yesterday afternoon I purchased my first substantial buy, two smallish clowns for my 46 gallon, sort of newly cycled tank. Been up for 6 weeks, parameters perfect for the last two weeks.

Since adding I've noticed the Damsel I had, a yellow tail, has been a bit aggressive and I read where that might happen, he just chases the clowns a bit but no nipping or anything.

Should I give this more time or simply go ahead and tear the tank apart to get him and return to the store for credit and get something more calming for the tank and the clowns.

I've researched where it simply does take time perhaps and he'll stop it and accept them. He is a bit bigger than the clowns as well

Thank you,

So far so good, just chasing at times but no torn fins and they are eating as well.
Good advice, just didn't want to wait too long if removal was the best option

Fish store closed Mon and Tues and I didn't want to just remove and discard, rather take him back and get credit towards something peaceful....
Thanks for help..
They'll sort it out. Before long you'll notice it's your clowns chasing other fish away from their claimed territory.
Clowns and Damsels are some of the meanest most territorial fish we keep. They will either figure it out or kill each other. One thing you should be careful of is that clowns like to jump out when chased.