Adding Coral for the first time


I often read about acclimating corals to someone's new lights.

I imagine that you need to acclimate new coral to your tank some how?

Can you please share your "New Coral" routine?
I drip mine. Put it in a bucket and drip it until the water volume has at least doubled. I do a slow drip so it usually takes about an hour. If I need to acclimate for light I just start on the bottom of the tank and slowly move it up to where I want it over a few week span.
I float the bag the coral came in for 20 min, (for Temp) then dip for 10 to 15 min in coral RX. Rinse coral off in cup of tank water, then put in tank on the bottom for the first 2 weeks, and move up slowly over the next few weeks till I have it where I want it.
I mostly just plop mine in... >_>"


Actually I think I've only ever just plopped mine in. Not exactly recommended I guess, but I am lazy.
In my head the way I'll do it as I plan to set up my next tank is this:

1. Bring coral home
2. Float the bag for temp in a separate QT tank with DT water for x amount of time while I prepare the drip acclimation
3. Drip acclimate for x amount of time while I prepare the coral dip process
4. Coral dip
5. Place in QT and dim lights, raising intensity over QT process until I hit the DT intensity level.
Keep in QT until all signs of hitchikers have been observed and dealt with. Since coral can bring in nasties for fish, just like fish, I aim to hold both for 12 week QT periods. Extreme overkill perhaps, but the last tank I had went down in 24 hrs because a week prior I didn't QT.