Adding spot light...


New member
I have a compact T5 fixture and I wanted to add a PAR38 to help my frags grow. I have read zoas like to be placed at the bottom of the tank. Would the spot light be too much?
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say/ask. You imply possibly you don't have enough light (compact T5 fixture and mentioning helping frags grow), then imply that you might have too much light and they need to be placed on the bottom.

What's the issue you're facing? What size tank and what fixture?

The key issue I see is that the PAR bulbs need to be decently high up and work best with other LED or MH systems. T5's are typically right near the water and will likely be in the way.
Would it be bad if I used a PAR 38 as a spotlight along with the t5 compacts to help zoas on my frag rack grow faster/better in any way? Does that help? Sorry for the confusion...
Yes, you can absolutely have too much or two little light. Personally if you feel your tank doesn't have enough light, I'd address that directly vs just your frag rack.

If you can give us further details, we could probably offer some suggestions. Lighting is just one of the many things that can impact growth rates.