Additive Question


Premium Member
Besides calcium and trace metals, does anyone add anything else to their tank? I am especially interested in anything like DT's oyster eggs, some type of food for coral? If not, could you tell me why you choose not to add anything. Thanks.
Didnt really like DTs, just didnt see any big difference for the price of that tiny jar. I dose phyto feast and frozen cyclopeeze as I feel like it. Got them both from exotic aquatic. Occasionally I feed any corals that can eat larger portions some mysis shrimp and whatnot.
frozen cyclopeeze here for corals. I haven't done it in a long time though. Just a cube of mysis and some pellets for fish every day normally.

Dosing, the only thing you should be worrying about is calcium and alkalinity. Everything else should be exchanged through water changes.
frozen cyclopeeze, and dt's photo plankton (i like dt's cause i notice my pod population go crazy when using it) besides that i just use bionic
I have actually used both the dried and frozen. I have seen both being taken in by both the acros and the montis.

I have not fed the cyclopeeze in a long time but they did "eat it".

Now all I do is feed a small amoutn of mysis in the evening, formula one pellets and nori.

dosing wise I only add seachem Mg. Other than that I do nothing else. Except my weekly water change of 15G.