Adjusting nikon D50?


oxygen abuser
Anyone have good manual settings for tank pics on a Nikon D50?
I find the automatic settings bring out WAY too much blue.

Should I be adjusting the white balance?

*total DSLR noob*

This is with the standard lens, too. 23-55mm I think it is.
White balance is the cause of your blue problems. Your best bet is to shoot in RAW mode and correct the coloring on your computer...
Yep, I used to have a D50 and agree with Brett. I use Adobe's Camera RAW plugin in Photoshop. I'm not sure what other (cheaper) options exist for editing a RAW image. You may be able to set a custom white balance and continue shooting in jpeg mode, but you'll more than likely have better results shooting in RAW.
you can download the nikon software to process the raw images, i believe it's free.

lower kelvin number is oranger and higher is bluer. shadow and cloud is warmer than sunlight. colour temperature is weird, it's backwards actually in it's adjustments (adjusting the kelvin higher will add more warmth to the image in hopes of making it neutral, and the opposite is true also going lower, it will add more blue)

once you have the raw software, it'll just be a matter of using the slider to get to where you want.
Thanks! Yeah the lighting in the tank now is much closer to 18-20k so the blue is just overwhelming in pictures