Advice: Ric. Florida bleaching, but no change in lighting!


New member
Hi, just looking for some advice/suggestions on what I can do to help this lil guy out.

It is a green ric with green mouth. The disc portion has been slowly loosing colour but the "bubble" are still green.

My orange/gray ric and my teal/orange/green ric are both doing fine and growing and they are located nearby. They have all been in the tank for 6months+.

pH 7.8-8.2 Sal 1.025 Amm 0 trite 0 trate 5ish Cal 400 Alk 9 Mg 1300 temp 80F
29g biocube, stock lighting (76w PC - 10k + actinic).

Ideas? Suggestions? Thanks for looking.
Rics always melt away in my tank.
I was told by a buddy they prefer dirtier water and that since I keep mine so clean they don't do well/
I just picked one up yesterday, and read up about them. The two books I have say they like moderate light, moderate current, and eat plankton. They really like newly hatched Artemia.

If your system is skimmed really hard and is very low in nitrates and suspended organics, it could be a lack of food. The do use zooanthelae but need planktons also.

Marine Invertebrates Pocket Guide, Ronald L Shimek, PhD.
Corals, Eric H Borneman

I kept a ton of mushrooms/rics in my "old" tank BC15 with fluorescent lighting and no protein skimmer. I fed my tank Rod's Coral food and they all did really well.
You may have too much light, maybe move it to a deeper spot. Or maybe try some loguls solution, mine love that stuff..