AI Hydras had to send back for repair


I experienced a power outage/off and on for about five minutes yesterday and somehow this played havoc with my three AI Hydras. Troubleshooting with AI customer service was not able to help. AI suggested shipping them back to them to see if they can fix them in the shop. All three lights and the controller are about 3-4 years old. They said they have a fast turnaround time, but I am still looking at 3-5 days before I get them back. I have a 48 " florescent light fixture that I have put on my tank for the short-term. How long do you think I can go with this before my corals are damaged? I have a mixed reef, with softies, some LPS and just a few SPS. Also, any experience with AI repair? I am resigning myself to the fact that I will have to buy new lights. Will AI give me a discount?
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Corals can easily handle a 3 day total blackout or more.. (done/recommended all the time as a way to tackle cyano problems in a tank)
Using a standard fluorescent fixture like you stated will keep them happy enough short term until the lights are returned..
Update AI could not fix my 5 year hydras and offered me a good discount on the hydra 26 HD, I will get them on Friday so my tank will be 8 days with only a 48" fluorescent lighfixture. Really hoping I don't lose any corals. but I am excited to see how these new lights work.
8 days should not be an issue at all..
A fluorescent should be able to keep them happy enough until then..