AI Prime light for refugium


Hi Reefers,

I am converting my ATO container to a refugium and I am planning on using my old AI Prime reef light for the refugium until I can afford a more suitable light.

Does anyone have any experience with this- and which settings am i looking for? Reckon a red/green spectrum would be preferred?

Most say the redder spectrum is preferred for growth. I use a standard 6.5k LED bulb with no issues (though I do have slower growth). I’d say you couldn’t go wrong with the red/green spectrum and even then, wouldn’t necessarily see an issue not changing it out (unless you wanted to). I don’t know what settings you’d want, but I’d imagine there may be light shock if you blasted them (just like with anything else)
Most say the redder spectrum is preferred for growth. I use a standard 6.5k LED bulb with no issues (though I do have slower growth). I’d say you couldn’t go wrong with the red/green spectrum and even then, wouldn’t necessarily see an issue not changing it out (unless you wanted to). I don’t know what settings you’d want, but I’d imagine there may be light shock if you blasted them (just like with anything else)
I’m gonna give it a go- what could possibly go wrong? :D If i do not achieve the desired results i might change to a Kessil light..

I have an AI Prime over my refugium, imo it grows algae way better than my dedicated red refugium light ever did (Kessil H80). ;)