algae problem


New member
Not sure of the name of this algae, but it is green and it is growing all over my
live rock. Everything else seems to be doing very well. How can i get rid of the algae?
In order to help, some more info is needed. What clean up crew do you have? What forms of nutrient export do you utilize (skimmer, refugium)? How big a tank is it? What and how many fish do you have in it? Lastly, how much and often do you feed?
cuc - only a few hermit crabs and snails; nutrient export - skimmer and refugium; tank 120 gal; fish - 3 clowns, orange bar goby, long nose hawkfish, 2 anthias (feed every other day). I also have corals (xenia, tree coral, green encrusting, and a few others.
Post a pic.

Is it cyno? How old is the tank? Has the tank cycled?

Potential Solutions:
Correct your Water balance.
Add a Yellow Tang
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Do you use RO or RO/DI water or tap water? Have you tested the water for phosphates? If so, what do the phosphates read? You want them as low as possible.

Could be a couple of different types of algae. Both Bryopsis and Hair Algae look similar. Hair algae will look like green hairs...bryopsis looks like the leaves of a fern. Hair algae is almost always caused by phosphates and/or nitrates in the water. To get rid of it, remove the phosphates/nitrates. Bryopsis can be removed by using Kent Tech M. It is a magnesium additive. Magnesium is normally kept at 1320 ppm in the aquarium, but when trying to rid yourself of bryopsis, those levels can be raised as high as 1500-1600 ppm.

Adding more snails will definitely help with the control of algaes.
some CUC reinforcements couldnt hurt in a tank that size. If its hair algae, a lawnmower blenny would be happy to live up to its name for ya.
I dont think it is cyno. It is green and similar to what you see in ponds. The tank is 2.5 years old. I will try to post a picture soon.
algae pic

algae pic

green algae.jpg