Alk to high, potencial problems?


New member
What are the problems of alkilinity being to high with SPS corals? I looked for a sticky or any relevent thread a few pages back but I couldnt find anything. My alkilinity is 6.5 meq/l but its on its way down.

My problem is a want to does kalk but when ever I start doing so my alk rises way to much while my calcium sits right at 400-450. This is the second time I have had a spike. I have tried cutting back on the kalk.

Thanks for the help,

Once alk levels drop on their own, you can keep Ca levels stable at a lower (400 - 420 ppm) level and still have good coral growth. That should also reduce your alk. If calcium and alk are still out of balance with one another, you might try adding just one of the two until they are back in balance.
I tried to pack the last extra pound of ARM into my calcium reactor and was having a problem with grit getting stuck in the drip control valve. Anyway I ended up spiking the alk to 6 meq at one point and got STN at the base of a few acros and generally dimmer colors. Nothing died but it wasn't a good idea.