all day or tank time


New member
thanks to ken (thank u thank u thank u) i finally got a bunch of cheato going in my sump

so do i leave lights on it 24/7 or just during the day?

also is there any tips for it. ie, good flow over it, etc

thanks! thats gonna be fun to try and sleep when i got a bright *** light on my sump...luckily i got that black thing to go over it
Most people reverse cycle so they can reduce the ph fluctuations from lights on and lights off. If you are not worried about that then you can run the lights while the tank lights are on.
HA HA HA.....No the thread locked up and when I posted it. When I checked and it was't there I posted it again.
I didn't know what the reason was for rotating lights, I figured there was some explantion. Is there that big of a pH fluctuation and why? I'd rather run all my lights on and off at the same time, atleast until I get my stand covered so you don't see the sump light.
I notice a .3 ph swing if I do not alternate my lights. 8.3 during the day to as low as 8.0 usually 8.1 when i do not leave alternate the light over my sump.

It has to do with the algae present in the water changing photosynthesis from essentially respirating vs. expelling. I believe was the explanation I was given by Ken.

I am sure I am not explaining nearly as scientifically as he can and I hope he will chime in.
from what i have read, lights on the plants and macro make oxygen and increase your ORP. lights off and they burn the food they made during the day producing CO2 which disolves in the water and creates carbolic acid , which lowers the PH. but the effect, either way is dependant on the capacity of the fuge in relation to the size and bioload of the system. small fuge, big tank? less change. big fuge, small tank, big change. all according to the light cycle. same or reverse. so you can experiment either way. but in your case EMO , i think i would leave the fuge light on 24/7. to eat the hairs lunch while its sleeping and compete when the tank lights are on.