All-Glass Stand Strong Enough?


New member
I am in the process of upgrading from my 90 gallon reef to a 180 gallon reef. I purchased an All-Glass 180 gallon twin Megaflow and an All-Glass matching oak stand. This is probably a stupid question but do I need to do anything to strengthen the stand prior to placing the aquarium on it? The stand "seems" lightly built and I am worried of a catastrophic failure. Obviously since this is built by All-Glass for the tank I am sure it is designed to hold the weight but I want to make sure. Also,is there a limit on the weight I can put in the stand's cabinet? My LFS guy is trying to talk me into the Mega-Flow sump (removing bioballs) but I was also considering building my own sump. TIA!!
I know what you mean about those stands, they seem too wimpy to hold that much weight. I built my own and did a simple 3/4" plywood frame and it did fine, I dont like the way they sway when cleaning the glass, I'd leave it alone though, like you say they are built to hold the weight and you would have to trust that.

As far as sumps go if you remove the bioballs, why bother might as well just buy a small tank or plastic box and DIY. most of those bioball sumps hardly have enough room for a heater and a small skimmer.
I am sure the commercial plywood stands are fine or else they would not be on the market (I.E., designed by engineers and mass produced). I prefer the look of solid wood stands myself, but I have used plywood, steal, DIY (built with studs) and solid wood stands in the past. A lot of the DIY stands are overkill in my opinion. What really matters the most is that all 4 corners of your glass aquarium are level and supported by the stand (whether it is made of solid wood, plywood or steal).
Mine looked real wimpy too but its got about 2,000+lbs sitting on it and its holding just fine. Just make sure everything is perfectly leveled. I can't stress that enough. An unleveled tank is an open door for disaster.
I got the same tank and stand just the other day and had the same thought... their is no wood on the top of the tank supporting the entire bottom... it is only supported around the rim... im still building it but im very nervous lol
thats ok, that tank is supported by the trim that goes around the tank. Ive heard that it is a good idea to take styrofoam around the top rim of the stand to help a little with the leveling. I have the aga tank/stand also and Im thinking of modifying it so that the trim on the bottom of the tank doesnt show