Hey Reefers,
Im in the middle of upgrading my 55 gallon to a 90 gallon setup. Im updating the Skimmer size as well as the return pump.
I am not totally convinced that my Eshopps RS-75 sump cant handle the water flow. Im trying to do this on a budget and am thinking I can get away with using the same sump for my 90.
I know its rated for 75 gallons. Anyone know what can happen if I use this same sump on a larger setup?
Kinda a stupid question but when $ is concerned thought it might be worth the ask. :beer:
Im in the middle of upgrading my 55 gallon to a 90 gallon setup. Im updating the Skimmer size as well as the return pump.
I am not totally convinced that my Eshopps RS-75 sump cant handle the water flow. Im trying to do this on a budget and am thinking I can get away with using the same sump for my 90.
I know its rated for 75 gallons. Anyone know what can happen if I use this same sump on a larger setup?
Kinda a stupid question but when $ is concerned thought it might be worth the ask. :beer: