Am I crazy?


New member
Hey Reefers,

Im in the middle of upgrading my 55 gallon to a 90 gallon setup. Im updating the Skimmer size as well as the return pump.

I am not totally convinced that my Eshopps RS-75 sump cant handle the water flow. Im trying to do this on a budget and am thinking I can get away with using the same sump for my 90.

I know its rated for 75 gallons. Anyone know what can happen if I use this same sump on a larger setup?

Kinda a stupid question but when $ is concerned thought it might be worth the ask. :beer:
The only appreciable difference between the RS-75 and the RS-100 I see is a bigger filter bag.

Providing your new skimmer fits in the RS-75 you should be ok.

Note: I think both are too small for a 90, but $$ and space are factors only you can decide. It's really more about having enough space for your equipment and adding water volume for stability than much to do with flow.
I say as long as your equipment fits in it and there is enough space to handle the excess water in the case of power failure, it should work fine.
Short answer, yes!

Aren't we all a little crazy for gluing live animals to rocks and keeping fish in a glass box?

Seriously though, if your equipment fits, then I would use the sump I have if money for a new one is tight. After all a sump is really only for added water volume, and to hide the equipment from the display tank.
you are not crazy, I use a 30 gallon sump for my 90, and it accommodates my skimmer, fuge, return pump along with filter socks, so just use what you have as long as everything you need fits in it. good luck

Short answer, yes!

Aren't we all a little crazy for gluing live animals to rocks and keeping fish in a glass box?

Seriously though, if your equipment fits, then I would use the sump I have if money for a new one is tight. After all a sump is really only for added water volume, and to hide the equipment from the display tank.

that's what I was going to say. :crazy1:
The most important thing about the size of the sump is the ability to hold water after power is shut down. Will your sump be able to hold all the water that will be drained back to the sump once you lose power? If the answer is yes, then that sump is adequate.
Having said that, I looked up Eshopps RS-75 sump online and that is one tiny sump. Skimmer compartment: 8" x 9.5" <= most skimmer can't fit into that space.
If you have a 100 dollars to spend, you might consider getting a 40 gallons breeder and cut a piece of glass to make a baffle. You can have a nice sump for about a 100 bucks or less.
If you have a 100 dollars to spend, you might consider getting a 40 gallons breeder and cut a piece of glass to make a baffle. You can have a nice sump for about a 100 bucks or less.
Petco regularly sells tanks for $1 per gallon. I bought several 40 gallon breeders for $40 each. You can get a 55 gal for $55 as well.

I don't remember if that deal extends to 75 gal. tanks.

I use a 75 gal. sump with acrylic baffles for my 90 gal. display, and I'm very glad I did.