Currently I have about
10 snails
7 blue legged
A Peppermint Shrimp
and a Chocolate Chip Star (Jury is still out on this guy, he may be going back..I dont think really like him, and I don't want him eating my snails or shrimp)
I would REALLY like a valentini puffer and a pair of tomato clowns.
Would the addition of the valentini and the pair of tomato clowns be too much ?
After the puffer and the pair, it is all I would be adding to the tank.
30 Gallon Wide tank, BTW.
Also, I've heard about the puffer 'nipping' on tank mates. Are the clowns going to stand for this, or should I decide on either/or ?
and is that puffer going to eat all of my inverts to keep his teeth short ?
10 snails
7 blue legged
A Peppermint Shrimp
and a Chocolate Chip Star (Jury is still out on this guy, he may be going back..I dont think really like him, and I don't want him eating my snails or shrimp)
I would REALLY like a valentini puffer and a pair of tomato clowns.
Would the addition of the valentini and the pair of tomato clowns be too much ?
After the puffer and the pair, it is all I would be adding to the tank.
30 Gallon Wide tank, BTW.
Also, I've heard about the puffer 'nipping' on tank mates. Are the clowns going to stand for this, or should I decide on either/or ?
and is that puffer going to eat all of my inverts to keep his teeth short ?