Amazing water homes on HGTV


New member
While I was out today, my wife recorded a show for me called "Amazing Water Homes" on HGTV at 2pm here in CT. They did a bit on Bill Wann's tank. I posted about it over in my local club forum, but though I would share to a wider audience. Anyone see it?
He is/was. A few years ago he participated on RC for a while, there was some drama, and he moved over to another forum. There was some drama there too, so things were sort of left up in the air about the tank. Just reports from acquaintances on occasion.

I don't know or care about the drama anywhere, just love seeing the tank up and running. Hope it get better with age, so uh potential there!

People who have been hanging out here for a while will recognize the name.
He is/was. A few years ago he participated on RC for a while, there was some drama, and he moved over to another forum. There was some drama there too, so things were sort of left up in the air about the tank. Just reports from acquaintances on occasion.

I don't know or care about the drama anywhere, just love seeing the tank up and running. Hope it get better with age, so uh potential there!

People who have been hanging out here for a while will recognize the name.
He is/was. A few years ago he participated on RC for a while, there was some drama, and he moved over to another forum. There was some drama there too, so things were sort of left up in the air about the tank. Just reports from acquaintances on occasion.

I don't know or care about the drama anywhere, just love seeing the tank up and running. Hope it get better with age, so uh potential there!

People who have been hanging out here for a while will recognize the name.

I saw the show too. Could have sworn He had a thread going that just vanished..
I am pretty sure his RC name was Bill Wann too. I am not really sure if its appropriate to say it on RC these days. A quick google search should turn up his thread on another forum. That thread was originally here on RC, but thee was drama like I said.

Anyway, just passing along some info for those who may have been around when the original thread started and always wondered what happened.
Bill recently just built me a protein skimmer and calcium reactor for my 1000 gallon system and it was my Christmas present:thumbsup:


That tank is nothing short of amazing and I actually drove 4 hours north to go see it in person and pick up the skimmer/CR. Great guy and gave me a tour and was at his house for a few hours checking the setup out. He's on Reef Frontiers under the Aquarium Engineering Forum where the build is outlined. The current tanks DT is 25'X10'X10' (~22k gallons) and he's considering a 60k DT build off the back of the house as a next project. His work on equipment is amazing too and carries lifetime warranty.