New member
Ok guys, I have a lonely ocellaris who wants an anemone. I really want to keep one in my tank, but I want to get your opinions and experiences w/ anemones before I do anything rash. I have a 54g w/ tons of rock, some shrooms, finger leather, feather duster, xenia (looks good, thanks ronert!). Livestock includes 2 jawfish, bicolor blenny, yellow shrimp goby w/ pistol shrimp, blue linkia star, and an ocellaris. Also tons of various snails and hermits. A member on the site has some rose bubble tip anemones for sale and I'm very tempted to give it shot. My concerns are that my tank has been up for only 4 months. I've had no issues so far w/ livestock (except for the percula picking on a jawfish) and things look great. I'm also worried about the anemone stinging all of my corals. My lighting is 1 150w metal halide.
I've never kept an anemone before. I've done lots of reading on them but I wanted to get some "real world advice" from you all. Please let me know what you think.
I've never kept an anemone before. I've done lots of reading on them but I wanted to get some "real world advice" from you all. Please let me know what you think.