Anemone problem


New member
My girlfriend has had an anemone now for atleast a year its super healthy and is hosted by a super cool maroone clown. Sadly its a monster. it walks all over the place stinging corals. Is there room for this at the upcomming frag swap.

What happens if i seperate this from my maroone clown will it host a new anemone.

We really dont know what to do.

Also if i can seperate them is anyone intrested. I currently have a 20 gallon tank and this anemone has just outgrown the tank.
bring it to the meeting, you will be able to get rid of and make some money at the auction. The clown will do fine with or w/o an anenome and yes if you place another anenome he will host it as long as they are compatibles.
my sebae didn't do so well and I got a LTA, my percs found it in all of 5 seconds. My Saebe came back, so the female hosts in the sebae and the male perc hosts in the LTA, sometimes they switch. I dont think the clowns care what Anemone they have, as long as its chemically compatible and has tentacles.. :)