

New member
Would it be okay to put an anemone and a small clown in my agressive fish tank with a snowflake eel a picaso trigger a keyholeangel and 3 convict blennies?
A couple of problems would be water conditions and lighting as the fish shouldn't bother the anemone but may go after the small clown and try and eat it. The Keyhole Angel may nip at the anemone but that could also happen in a reef tank. If you can supply it with good water condition and lighting the anemone should be fine.
A large tomato and a large anenome and you probably should be fine. A large tomato will defend its anenome with great zeal. Could be expensive to buy though.
nah , large clowns dont cost that much, people are always looking to get rid a of larger ones as they tend to be too aggresive for the community tank. There is a 5" maroon @ my local LFS it is only going for like $35. I still wouldnt guarantee it's success though. I thought a 4.5" maroon clown and a 6" purple tang could fend off a small miniatus. one of my lower points in fishkeeping.