Annularis and SPS - Bad Idea?

I've seen plenty of threads and comments on keeping angels in an sps tank, but don't recall seeing anything on pomacanthus annularis (blue ringed angel). Anyone ever keep one of these or know of any success or failures with them and sps?

Does anyone think they'd chow down on a ric?
Not sure. Your best bet is to put one in a smaller trial tank and throw in a variety of frags(SPS,LPS, Rics,etc) and see if he chows on them. We have a few very large Annularis angels in our 10,000 gallon tank and from what I have seen and read they are mostly into algaes and different planktivores including mysis and krill. I do remeber seeing someone on RC that had a beautiful smaller(5 or so inch) annularis in his reef. I can't remember there screen name though.
I think it may be a bad idea. As juveniles you may get away with it but as they grow to adults I think they may eat the stonies.
I would not do it or remove it if you already have it mine started nipping polyps on green stag by the 3rd day in my tank maybe you will have better luck.