Another I.D. Please

Richard Walston

New member
Could anyone tell me what type of algea this might be.



Tom, its a brown algae and I think that particular one is Sargassum. A feature of Sargassum is clusters of little "balls" that will form where the leafy branches join the larger stems. Larger pieces of Sargassum will float if pulled off the rock. IMO a pretty good algae for the display tank from the standpoint that it fairly easy to control it's spread and it can grow into and attractive, bushy shape. It is capable of fast growth which makes it effective as an export. When your ready to harvest it, just snap off the "bush" above the holdfasts (base).
piercho said:
Tom, its a brown algae and I think that particular one is Sargassum. A feature of Sargassum is clusters of little "balls" that will form where the leafy branches join the larger stems.

Those little "balls" are called Nidoplast (hope I spelled it right)