Another MACNA freebe


Active member
THose that attended MACNa full conference ($89 for early birds) and attended Banquet got one of these.

So now $89-$50= $39 for three days of speakers, and 2 evening parties including food and entertainment.

I ordered a 200 gallon box of salt for $53, with free shipping. So you got all of the above and 200 gallons worth of salt for $42.

Sorry, just thought that was pretty cool, :rollface:

Where was that the yellow bag?

no. at saturday nigh banquet.

every year marineland hooks everybody up at the banquet.

3 years ago it was salt and led lights, and one years supply of salt delivered to your house for one person.. last year it was powerheads, i walked out with 4. this year, this.
no. at saturday nigh banquet.

every year marineland hooks everybody up at the banquet.

3 years ago it was salt and led lights, and one years supply of salt delivered to your house for one person.. last year it was powerheads, i walked out with 4. this year, this.

Whaaaat!!! Is this new? I don't remember anything like this at the Atlanta and Atlantic City MACNAs.
Whaaaat!!! Is this new? I don't remember anything like this at the Atlanta and Atlantic City MACNAs.

Lacy- if you remember i didnt go to banquet in atlantic city, because i was stupid and didnt get reception and banquet for another $40. That was the macna i met you and your hubby. Lourdes and i ended up spending $200 for dinner just on Saturday, :rolleyes:

Those last i just mentioned where Orlando, Iowa, and Dallas.

Is it new?, dont know, ive only been to last 4. but already have tics for Denver, :)
I remember going to the bar and meeting both of you. If I remember correctly not a lot of the $200.00 went to food!! That was a good time.