Antennata and Snow flake eel


New member
What should i keep with an Antennata lion and a Snow flake eel in my 55 gallon tank?

Id like some active and eye catching fish if that possible

thanks in advance:bum:
a few clownfish? dwarf angel? royal gramma?

get any of these at or close to full size to avoid them becoming a meal for either fish. and keep the snowflake and lion well fed.

make sure your filtration is up to par, just the lion and snowflake will be plenty of bioload when they are close to adult size.
I think I'd get larger angel and clown species, those are awfully small and might be bite-sized for the lion...
I wouldn't put the tang in a 55. The hawk and royal gramma could be ok, but there still might be some risk from the lion. I think I would stop at the eel, the lion and two smallish fish, your tank will be getting crowded.

I'd pick two: hawkfish, gramma, tomato or clarkii clown, dwarf angel (but not a pygmy)