Any Free Shipping Offers?

We do not have any set free shipping offers, but give us a call or email with the items we might be able to swign it as a special discount.

We try to maintain an everyday low price on every item instead of doing a free shipping promo.
Sorry, i have trouble keeping up with PM's, i just sent you a response. Placeing the order online with a NOTE is just fine.
Got your PM, Jason. Sorry, didn't know, but should have realized, that it's hard to keep up with PM's. I'm sure you get a bunch of em.

If I order other items (as mentioned in my PM), would they also qualify for the same shipping offer as the GEO 612 package?

Got it, Jason. Thanks for clarifying. Looking good now! :) My stuff's arriving this week. Can't wait! I'm definitely returning to you guys for future needs!