any good fake anemones?


New member
i am going to get a pair of tank bred ocellaris from ORA. i know they don't need an anemone, but thought if i could get a realistic looking fake anemone that it would look good. anyone know if there is any such thing?
Is this for the 9 gallon?
Why not try a coral such as a leather or a torch. The clowns host both of them. They also host other coral too. Hope this helps.
I would guess that with a little experimentation, you could make one with silicone. you would have to make all the tentacles first, then stick them to a fresh silicone blob body. Wax paper, drizzle into water and cut up maybe... dunno. The only issue you would have is to keep it clean from algae. You might even be able to dye the water with food coloring and get a slight tint to the tentacles.
my pair of clown fish have been spawning and laying eggs on a large oyster shell with a big 3-4 inch green frilly mushroom growing on it. they treat it like an anemone. they like anything that tickles their fancy!
well, i've tried button polyps, brown xenia, pink xenia, and a coffee mug turned sideways. the clown just has no interest in hosting anything. oh well, at least the tank looks more interesting now.