Any Mushroom tanks only!!!!

I asked this a few years back and didnt get much of a calling for it.I would like to see a fully loaded plain mushroom tank like stripes,blues,greens,and reds.
I was planing on doing that when I started mine, but than went in another direction. Post some pics if you do get it going.
My tank is not exclusively mushrooms, but I have 19 distinct colormorphs/species over the four genuses. 2 colors of R. florida, 1 R. yuma, 7 varieties of Rhodactus, 8 Actinodiscus and Amplexidiscus fenestrafer. Other stock includes leathers, clove polyps, zoanthids, xenia and 2 long tentacle anemones.
I'm working on building one. One rock at a time LOL, check out my profile pics.


  • 2010-01-15 04.58.46.jpg
    2010-01-15 04.58.46.jpg
    92.7 KB · Views: 4
Oh man! Not too long ago there was a pet store in my town that had the BIGGEST mushroom tank I had ever seen. It was mushroom ONLY. The tank was a 100+ gallon half cylinder that was FILLED floor to ceiling with mushrooms. Only purple and blue ones. Most of them were 5-6 inches across, but some of them were 8-9 inches. I would guess that he had over 1000 mushrooms in that tank. The store shut down about 6 months ago, but it was a terrible store that sold overpriced dead corals, and diseased fish. Whats really curious is that they had amazing display tanks. Oh well, I'm going to see if I can find a pic of the tank.
Oh man! Not too long ago there was a pet store in my town that had the BIGGEST mushroom tank I had ever seen. It was mushroom ONLY. The tank was a 100+ gallon half cylinder that was FILLED floor to ceiling with mushrooms. Only purple and blue ones. Most of them were 5-6 inches across, but some of them were 8-9 inches. I would guess that he had over 1000 mushrooms in that tank. The store shut down about 6 months ago, but it was a terrible store that sold overpriced dead corals, and diseased fish. Whats really curious is that they had amazing display tanks. Oh well, I'm going to see if I can find a pic of the tank.
Now that sounds cool,Not the sucky fish store part though.I am going this way with a pico I am building right now.I plan on mabey at most 3 colors red,blue/purple,and green/greenstriped.Just the plain ones nobody wants.
My original 29g tank with 2x 65 in '06











The mushrooms were from a shipment from Viet Nam. Ironically, I sold them to fund a vacation to Viet Nam. >.<
nickolas warner- I've also seen that tank. It was crazy full of mushrooms.. supposedly, the guy put a few shrooms in a blender, chopped them up, and poured it into the tank, and voila, hundereds of shrooms. Don't know if his story was true. sadly, they stopped paying for the AC or something and the tank overheaded and melted all the shrooms. Very sad to see... and then they closed and kindly donated some things to the tank that i volunteer for.
I am just starting a 22 gal shroom tank and want to use leds the panorama strips ,anyone have any info on shrooms and leds do they play well together?
My 120G was about half mushrooms. A dead chiller took down most things with it. The survivors are a rock of yuma, a rock of rhodactis (though they are floating around), bits and pieces of various mushrooms and a devil's hand. I am going to emphasize more on shrooms this time, I suppose the tank would look better with a handful of softies instead with all shrooms, but it also greatly depends on my luck in getting my hand on the pretty ones. We'll see.
I am in the process of doing a ricordea florida only tank and a ricordea yuma only tank!! Both in 20G long tanks!!! I will post pics soon. Still new around here!