any one order from here??


Active member
im ready to order my new tunze 9010 skimmer . i had planned on ordering from marinedepot but the price jumped from $327 to $366 over the past few weeks :eek2: ... i found it still for $327 but only at ... ive never heard of them before and $300 is alot to chance ... hav any of u guys ordered from there?? let me kno id like to order it tonite :D
Yes I have....I my skimmers came in fine. I bought 2 skimmers from the.
I might be able to get you a discount code...need to call my boy later.
oOoh Mel, do tell if you do get a coupon code.. I'm very tempted by those reeflux bulbs. Once I see how matt's look, I might end up buying some and aquacave is one of the few retailers of it.
i have the not ordered from them, but when i was following the aquatraders MH light fixtures thread many people ordered replacement ballast and reeflux bulbs from them. I can't recall any issues. They also are a RC sponsor and have a forum here. I would order from them.
well i already orderen it since every where else was $40 more ;) wish i woulda seen u can get a coupon code but what ever its on the way
quickly isnt the word! i ordered last night around 8 or 9 and it was shipped by 11! should be here monday :p
also i have ordered from salty supply i order stuff on 2 day fedex and i alway get it the very next day and they have reasonable prices
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