Any thoughts or ideas on the clubs website?


Reef Guru
The reefing bug has bitten me again and I am fired up to get things moving again. I am in the process of upgrading my 75g to a 150g. Exciting stuff. Anyways, I am always upgrading the clubs website, and I encourage everyone to go take a look, tell me what you like, what you don't like, what you think could be added or improved, or things you would like to see in the future. I want our webpage to be top of the line. You can PM me, or email me at:
Thanks for any input you can provide. Please don't let this thread have 300 views and only 2 or 3 responses to me. It is all confidential and through email and PM, so throw your thoughts out there to me, good or bad. Thanks!
How about a section for Featured Items of the Month. A review about a piece of equipment someone has and likes or dislikes. A article about a coral or fish...the care of that creature, propagation methods of that coral, where it comes from in the world, your experience with that creature. These could be written by club members, or found on the web.
forcast me some warm weather so my work hrs will get back to the norm, i dont think i can handle any more part time weeks
Jim -

Side Job for you: Let's hook up and quote me on re-doing my Plenums & look at some ductwork boosters. My HVAC system is NOT balanced properly and I can't get it there.