Anyone around Youngstown have a UV light I can borrow for a few days


New member
I know this is a long shot as you all don't know me but I'm desperate. I have a nasty phyto bloom in my 29. My water is murky green and I can't see 2" into the tank. It's been like this for over a month and started with my attempt to dose phyto. I know a UV light will clear it up but I'm a non working full-time student with limited funds. A recent car repair took up the last of my savings and I'm 5 weeks away from graduation and getting to work. So short story is I'm broke for another month or so but am worried my 4 corals won't last that long. From what I've read the UV light would clear it up in just a few days. So just wondering if anyone in my area is willing to let me borrow one?
What does a phyto bloom look like. For the record I don't have a uv sterilizer. Also why not do a 90% water change?
I'll get a pic after school . I was told the 90% water change wouldn't work because the phyto would come back stronger within a day or two
I just turned them off yesterday. Gonna do 3days and see what happens. No noticeable difference yet.

Here's the pic