Anyone DIY a Dosing Pump?


I find it surprising that I haven't come across a DIY Doser yet.

I know there are plenty of great options on the market and with the arrival of Jebao some very affordable ones but as most DIY obsessed reefers, cost isn't the primary motivation :hmm4:

I started buying parts already and this is going to be proof of concept of some sort.

Summary: I don't need a programmable doser, I dose very specific fluids but not in super critical amounts. Primarily I dose kalkwasser and recently I quit vodka but the rapid growth of algae that resulted is forcing me to start dosing it again. Also once every few months I need to add magnesium as well. At minimum I need a 3 channel doser.

I decided to build a 5 channel doser, 4 small dosing pumps (similar to what you find in a BM doser) + 1 diaphragm lift pump for ATO

Parts list:

1x 12v Diaphragm pump (6ft lift & 10ft head)
4x 12v Peristaltic pumps (0-100ml/min)
5x 12v PWM Speed Controllers
1x Relay Board
1x Reef Angel power control expansion
1x ABS Project Box

Speed Controller for each pump w/ a pot that can adjust flow, RA will control dosing program via power control expansion. I would absolutely love to build an arduino board into this enclosure so it can operate as a stand-alone dosing system but I don't know how to build/program arduinos :(

I'd love to hear some feedback and I'm open to any suggestions for improving the design, so far I've only bought a diaphragm pump so I'm still shopping parts.
Built one using ebay 12v Peristaltic pumps, and quickly came to hate those pumps, too small of tubes, clogged easily or worse popped off and got stuff everywhere. I don't like that design of pumps at all. I found an industrial diaphragm pump, has 2 adjustable ( mechanical type) pumps as I only dose 2 part, it can pump up 100' or more, I run it like for 15secs every hour during the night, NEVER fails, self primes, it makes less noise and never going back to a peristaltic type pump again.

I paid $100 and run it with my apex.

Look to my project at :

You can build a dosing pump with up to 6 channels using only an ethernet shield w5100, Arduino Mega 2560, SD card reader and RTC.

On this case you'll control the dosing pump using this site:

If you want control without internet or with both way, buy a TFT 400 x 240 and a TFT shield. RTC and SD card reader aren't needed on this case.

Here you can find the part list:

Install the code is simple watch this video:

Best regards.
Fernando Garcia
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Mr. Garcia, you are trouble ;)
because you make me want to build a whole new Reef Controller not just a dosing pump, Haha.

I absolutely love the concept of the Ferduino design, I just wish I had more free time so I can build one.

rckrzy1 - I agree, those pumps aren't the most reliable but as mentioned this will be somewhat of a proof of concept since there are variables like will I like having ATO in dosing system or not, will I like the way RA will control it etc.
I've got my eyes on medical grade Cole Parmer peristaltic heads that I will switch to in the future, I can't use diaphragm pumps for dosing since I dose kalk overnight very slowly and Peristaltic can't be beat in slow dosing.
Forget others functions use only the dosing pump.

The items above are enough for what you want.

The circuit is very simple:


Two videos showing the dosing pump in action:

Don't be scared with the amount of wires. :D
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I find it surprising that I haven't come across a DIY Doser yet.

I have done many DIY dosing systems, but have not posted about them. I planned on doing a thread with all of them one of these days.

Please ignore the mess (this is my fish room). Here are 2 of my latest builds that are in use currently.


The 3 heads on the left are part of my 6th dosing build, while the 3 on the right are from the 5th. Both of these are controlled by a BeagleBone Black mounted in the upper left of the back of the white acrylic. To the right of the BBB are 2 dual L298 H bridges. I planned on using 4 pump heads on this one, but my CNC router crashed into the end stop just as I was cutting the 4th head mounting hole. Guess I should have planned better :). These heads work surprisingly well, and for ~$11 a head and $55 for the BBB, a 3-10 head dosing system can be built quite easily.

The 3 heads on the left are stepper motor based. These are controlled by the Arduino you can see mounted in the upper right of the clear acrylic back. They are interfaced from the BBB using a serial interface. The control of the steppers is using GRBL running on the Arduino. These heads have proven to be very accurate; I have them calibrated for each MM of movement in GRBL=1ML of fluid dosed. The one in use in the photo is dosing 0.5ML of Nitrate solution spread over a 24/Hr period (24 * 0.02MM). I am using 400 step per revolution motors, so drop by drop dosing is easily doable. I still had to add a check valve however to prevent backflow when the head height is 5-6ft high. Might be the hoses I am using as the heads did not come with them.

The cost for each head is $40 and $20 for the Arduino/CNC shield/drivers for each group of 3 heads.

The BBB runs Linux, and the dosing programs are written in Python. The system is accessed over Ethernet (green cable in photo).

As you can probably guess, I find building DIY dosing one of the most enjoyable aspects of reef tanks :)

I have gotten similar stepper motor driven pump heads, I just haven't gotten time to put my unit together. What stepper motor driver are you using? I'm looking at the pololu A4988
You guys are awesome, I really appreciate your time and sharing your work :)

Considering that my garage is starting to look like a post-earthquake LFS and my new starphire 60 cube has sat half full of stale water for over a month. I'm shelving this project until I get my priorities straight, current DT is growing algae again, QT has fish that are due to be transferred, I can go on & on & on about reef related things that are up in the air currently so to avoid a half completed project I'm going to focus on the lift pump and later add all the dosing to it. I may incorporate this into a DIY controller when I come back to it but I'm not sure yet, we'll see.

I bought a Jebao doser to use in the meanwhile and I'm ordering an ABS box, pwm speed controller & transformer for the lift pump so I can start to use that for ATO asap.

If only I didn't have to be gone 10 hours a day at work :crazy1:
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I have done many DIY dosing systems, but have not posted about them. I planned on doing a thread with all of them one of these days.

Please ignore the mess (this is my fish room). Here are 2 of my latest builds that are in use currently.


The 3 heads on the left are part of my 6th dosing build, while the 3 on the right are from the 5th. Both of these are controlled by a BeagleBone Black mounted in the upper left of the back of the white acrylic. To the right of the BBB are 2 dual L298 H bridges. I planned on using 4 pump heads on this one, but my CNC router crashed into the end stop just as I was cutting the 4th head mounting hole. Guess I should have planned better :). These heads work surprisingly well, and for ~$11 a head and $55 for the BBB, a 3-10 head dosing system can be built quite easily.

The 3 heads on the left are stepper motor based. These are controlled by the Arduino you can see mounted in the upper right of the clear acrylic back. They are interfaced from the BBB using a serial interface. The control of the steppers is using GRBL running on the Arduino. These heads have proven to be very accurate; I have them calibrated for each MM of movement in GRBL=1ML of fluid dosed. The one in use in the photo is dosing 0.5ML of Nitrate solution spread over a 24/Hr period (24 * 0.02MM). I am using 400 step per revolution motors, so drop by drop dosing is easily doable. I still had to add a check valve however to prevent backflow when the head height is 5-6ft high. Might be the hoses I am using as the heads did not come with them.

The cost for each head is $40 and $20 for the Arduino/CNC shield/drivers for each group of 3 heads.

The BBB runs Linux, and the dosing programs are written in Python. The system is accessed over Ethernet (green cable in photo).

As you can probably guess, I find building DIY dosing one of the most enjoyable aspects of reef tanks :)

Are the heads on the right the 6volt ones from ebay?
I made some very simple ones with those $12 heads/motors on ebay.

I just wired them to a 12v power supply for each one and powered it with my AC3 for timing.

I tried putting a POT on them to adjust speed but you need an actual controller for that to work right so I bypassed them.

Overall they work great, but the two main problems I have with them were the tube size(took some ghetto rigging to get it to adapt to a 1/4" line) and the tubing tends to break after a few months, which if gone unchecked can ruin the motor and leak all over the place.

The flow rate is also no where near the advertised 100ml/min. Its closer to 60.

After figuring out the tube size was 4.5mm(not what is listed on the ebay ad) I was able to find some tubing that lasts close to 6 months but thats still not good enough for me. I dose over 100ml a day of 3 part so they run for 2-10 min, 3 times a day.

Overall they ended up costing me about $35 each, plus the scrap acrylic I mounted them in. So probably in the $40-50 range all said and done if you have to buy a box.

If I can find a tube that will last a year, Ill keep them. But Im looking at just getting some of the BRS 50ml/min pumps.

Honestly just get some BSR ones, $90 a pop seems like a lot but its really not that bad when you consider how much easier it is to find replacement tubes, and not deal with crappy quality parts.
I'm currently sing BRS & hate the fact that I can't adjust flow, also one power cord per pump is using up too many outlets on the controller. I'm actually running an AC3 right now and getting ready to switch to RA that I already purchased, the power control expansion allows output of 8 12v on/off channels so essentially that's where I got the idea of using PWM Motor Speed Controllers & Relay Boxes, this way it's one power cord & no outlets used on the controller.

Jebao doser should be here today so my problems are all solved temporarily, I'd still like to have all my pumps (ATO + Dosing) in one box running off one power cord. Nice to be able to take my sweet time with it now, which is making me consider building a full reef controller. Why? I have no idea, I own about 3 or 4 reef controllers currently :fun4:
I'm currently sing BRS & hate the fact that I can't adjust flow, also one power cord per pump is using up too many outlets on the controller. I'm actually running an AC3 right now and getting ready to switch to RA that I already purchased, the power control expansion allows output of 8 12v on/off channels so essentially that's where I got the idea of using PWM Motor Speed Controllers & Relay Boxes, this way it's one power cord & no outlets used on the controller.

Jebao doser should be here today so my problems are all solved temporarily, I'd still like to have all my pumps (ATO + Dosing) in one box running off one power cord. Nice to be able to take my sweet time with it now, which is making me consider building a full reef controller. Why? I have no idea, I own about 3 or 4 reef controllers currently :fun4:
I need to read up on the jebao. I run the rw pumps but haven't done much research on the doser. I bought a marine color doser off ebay and had trouble with the pump heads popping off. The program seemed to work fine but the heads were crap.
Are the heads on the right the 6volt ones from ebay?

Yes they are the 6V DC ones you see advertised all over ebay. I am running mine at 12V, but since I using a PWM signal through the L298N, they work fine and can be adjusted for speed. I purchased them specifically because they have gears driving the 3 rollers and are not depending on contact pressure.

I made some very simple ones with those $12 heads/motors on ebay.

I just wired them to a 12v power supply for each one and powered it with my AC3 for timing.

I tried putting a POT on them to adjust speed but you need an actual controller for that to work right so I bypassed them.

Overall they work great, but the two main problems I have with them were the tube size(took some ghetto rigging to get it to adapt to a 1/4" line) and the tubing tends to break after a few months, which if gone unchecked can ruin the motor and leak all over the place.

The flow rate is also no where near the advertised 100ml/min. Its closer to 60.

After figuring out the tube size was 4.5mm(not what is listed on the ebay ad) I was able to find some tubing that lasts close to 6 months but thats still not good enough for me. I dose over 100ml a day of 3 part so they run for 2-10 min, 3 times a day.

Overall they ended up costing me about $35 each, plus the scrap acrylic I mounted them in. So probably in the $40-50 range all said and done if you have to buy a box.

If I can find a tube that will last a year, Ill keep them. But Im looking at just getting some of the BRS 50ml/min pumps.

Honestly just get some BSR ones, $90 a pop seems like a lot but its really not that bad when you consider how much easier it is to find replacement tubes, and not deal with crappy quality parts.

To adjust speed of a DC motor, the easiest method I have found is to employee a PWM signal through an H Bridge. The H bridges I use from ebay are <$2/each and connect 2 motors.

The specs that are quoted online for the cheap dosing heads are all mostly nonsense. Even buying based on photos is a bit of a crap shoot as the vendors all seem to use each others photos.

The hoses that the came with mine (in the photo) are very good quality pharmed tubing. I am dreading the day when they will need to be replaced though. I purchased 25 ft of silicone tubing of Amazon for my stepper heads, but its not as good as the pharmed and will likely not last as long as the pharmed. I am currently running these heads (the ones on the right) 5 secs/hr 24x7. For replacement hoses, I am hoping that APT sells something similar in size and quality to the original hoses.

To adapt the small dosing hoses to 1/4" tubing, I simply use hydroponic barbs that I had laying around. The orbit sprinkler barbs from Home Depot also work pretty good, they just take a bit of effort to get on the smaller dosing tube.

The BRS dosers are solid pumps. My original dosing pump is a BRS 1.8ML and I still having it dosing my NOPOX daily. I have not changed the hose on it yet, but I have a spare standing by. For simplicity of control, or if you don't want to setup a lot of supporting hardware, BRS dosers are a good choice. They do however get pricey of you want *a lot* of dosing pumps.

I need to read up on the jebao. I run the rw pumps but haven't done much research on the doser. I bought a marine color doser off ebay and had trouble with the pump heads popping off. The program seemed to work fine but the heads were crap.

My first DIY doser used 3 of those marine color heads I bought online. Boy are they crap. They depend on the 3 rollers using contact pressure on the motor shaft to operate. Whoever thought that a plastic wheel pressed up against a smooth metal shaft would translate to predictable movement needs their head examined. I am always shocked to see those same style of heads used in some of the commercial dosers, some of which are quite pricey ($400-$500 for 3 head unit). Considering the heads alone go for $10/each, I don't see how putting 3 of them in a box with control/interface hardware turns it into a $400 device??

I just received 4 of the 500ML Honlite heads yesterday that I plan to use to replace my Tunze pumps in my automatic water change. The Tunze pumps that I have been using don't last very long in saltwater, so moving to a peristaltic pump should correct that. I already have experience with the Honlite heads as I have the Reefangel ATO pump that uses one. The only complaint I have about them is the noise.

Dennis, your feedback is Gold (just thought I'd say that first)

I'm really glad you pointed out that the 6v heads are geared, I've considered buying one of each of the pumps so I can find out the hard way how they were all designed but this small note alleviates all that hassle.

Mind me asking where you sourced the Honlite heads? also which motors do you plan to run them on?
Dennis, your feedback is Gold (just thought I'd say that first)

I'm really glad you pointed out that the 6v heads are geared, I've considered buying one of each of the pumps so I can find out the hard way how they were all designed but this small note alleviates all that hassle.

Mind me asking where you sourced the Honlite heads? also which motors do you plan to run them on?

The style that i have with the tabs at the side is the model that I can confirm is geared. The black (or white) marine magic ones are not. There is one another type with an opaque front and the motor offset from the rollers, but I am not sure how those work. The front panel being secured with screws on the ones I purchased also gave me confidence that they would be sturdier than the other cheap versions.

I sourced the Honlite heads from this vendor on ebay ( They are the only ones that I aware that sell them (on ebay). The heads include the motor (12V or 24V), and use 3/8" hose for the connections. They are not suitable for dosing due to the flow rate, but for moving larger volumes of water they work pretty good. Be warned though, when they are running the are LOUD. They make quite a racket, a loud whirring noise, while running. They are reasonable priced, about 25% more than I was paying for the Tunze pumps, and since I have already replaced 2 out of 4 Tunze pumps in 1 year, I expect they will be more cost effective in the long run.

is this the item specifically?

looks like a plain & simple DC motor on the back of that thing, I would imagine a speed controller could slow it down, but how slow & what flow? might be worth buying one to play with :D

Not sure if you've come across these but from all my research it appears that Cole Parmer Masterflex Peristaltic Heads are the last word in peristaltic pumps, the only problem I found is the AC pumps they run on are a bit cumbersome and overkill for our purposes so I started looking into adapting a geared DC motor to them but locating a compatible shaft or even a way to adapt the drive shaft was a dead-end for me.

This is an example:
is this the item specifically?

looks like a plain & simple DC motor on the back of that thing, I would imagine a speed controller could slow it down, but how slow & what flow? might be worth buying one to play with :D

Not sure if you've come across these but from all my research it appears that Cole Parmer Masterflex Peristaltic Heads are the last word in peristaltic pumps, the only problem I found is the AC pumps they run on are a bit cumbersome and overkill for our purposes so I started looking into adapting a geared DC motor to them but locating a compatible shaft or even a way to adapt the drive shaft was a dead-end for me.

This is an example:

The Honlite you linked to are the ones that I just received and will be (hopefully) building into a mount to replace my Tunze pumps this weekend (if it is not too cold in my workshop).

The Cole Parmer pumps are considered to be the gold standard for peristaltic pumps. I have a few of the heads on hand. Some wiseguy on ebay advertised them as NIB (New In Box). What he really meant was 'new' to him, but not 'new to the world'. Sigh. I never pursued anything using them, but I may look at them again if I get bored.

Dennis if you ever go back to the Parmer pumps send me PM, perhaps we can compare notes & come up with a DC powered version, as far as I know there is no comparable Reef Dosing System on the market that can even hold a candle to these.
