Anyone else having a problem with fragswapper


I'm having a problem with items double posting. I've tried to list new items in IE and firefox and had the problem with both. If i go to try to remove one of the listings it removes both. Any help is appreciated!

OK...I just logged in a you and I do see some duplication. I also see you have the same item in your profile multiple times. Let me take a look at it and I'll let you know what I find.

If anybody else has seen this, please speak up!!


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Well you weren't the only one..I see 7 items in the database with duplicate lisings in the current event from 2 people besides you. I see the listing times are right on top of one another too so I'm thinking maybe you (and the others) where a little quick on the submit button and hit it it more than once on the same screen when it didn't come back fast enough.

The duplicate entries were harmless since the trades are recorded by the item's id, not by the listing's id so I just deleted the duplicates. If it happens again let me know. You should also be OK if you remove it (which would remove both) and add it again.

If you find it doing it to you consistantly and you're not clicking the save/submit button twice let me know. I didn't want to fool around with it in a live event so I just fixed it and moved on. :)


kevin the only thing i noticed was it was super slow over the weekend.The pages loaded for 3 minutes with dsl so i dont know if thats related.Thank you for your help and the use of your site,its truly a great luxury for these swaps
Thanks a lot Kevin.

I was sure to not click the button twice for that reason. I was just conerned about the number of items being doubled but since that isnt an issue I'm not worried about it
Thanks a lot Kevin.

I was sure to not click the button twice for that reason. I was just conerned about the number of items being doubled but since that isnt an issue I'm not worried about it

I dont know about kevin but I feel much better knowing your not worried jer,LMAO
kevin the only thing i noticed was it was super slow over the weekend.The pages loaded for 3 minutes with dsl so i dont know if thats related.Thank you for your help and the use of your site,its truly a great luxury for these swaps

I'm guessing the speed was just GoDaddy being GoDaddy. :)
Well you weren't the only one..I see 7 items in the database with duplicate lisings in the current event from 2 people besides you. I see the listing times are right on top of one another too so I'm thinking maybe you (and the others) where a little quick on the submit button and hit it it more than once on the same screen when it didn't come back fast enough.

The duplicate entries were harmless since the trades are recorded by the item's id, not by the listing's id so I just deleted the duplicates. If it happens again let me know. You should also be OK if you remove it (which would remove both) and add it again.

If you find it doing it to you consistantly and you're not clicking the save/submit button twice let me know. I didn't want to fool around with it in a live event so I just fixed it and moved on. :)



Kevin, I have that happen more than once, but I usually catch it right away since I post in one window and check on another, I notice it right away, I think is something to do with the duplicate item function, I will try and recreate it tonight and give you a step by step, I never paid any mind to it!
It's not suppose to be technically possible to have the same item listed in the same event twice but the checks are done at the page level not at the database so if you have the app open twice, or send a second request before the first completes it will put it in twice. It used to be locked by the database, but godaddy doesn't give me the same rights as my old host so setting rules on the server is tougher.

Like I said though..if you delete one it will delete both and you can enter it a second time. You will lose the active requests that way though, which is why me fixing it is better...althoug a PITA.