Anyone got any frags for sale?

Hey John, I still have some zoa frags left. Mostly $15-$20 frags. I'm about thirty minutes south of you though. If you're willing to make the drive I still owe you a frag or two. I have a for sale thread from a couple weeks back if you would like to see an example of what I have. PM me if interested.
Well Im just starting to add some SPS to my mixed reef and was just seeing if anyone had any for sale.I think Chris is gonna let me come over tommorro and check out what he has for sale.
He is the SPS man..I have zoas next time im in town I will bring you some ( and the lights) if you want...Chris and I trade so much he has almost all that I have, I hold out a few on him for special occasions.
Bill (poolkeeper1), in mtrc has really nice frags for sale to make room for his new order. Mainly SPS. good luck.
He is the SPS man..I have zoas next time im in town I will bring you some ( and the lights) if you want...Chris and I trade so much he has almost all that I have, I hold out a few on him for special occasions.

Yeah, like those avatars you brought this past weekend!

John, let me know how those frags work out for you.
He is the SPS man..I have zoas next time im in town I will bring you some ( and the lights) if you want...Chris and I trade so much he has almost all that I have, I hold out a few on him for special occasions.

Jabo when you come back to town let me know and Ill pick some up off of you!