Anyone have 24inch MH/T5/LED combo light?


New member
Such as: Current USA 24 inch Outer Orbit 1x150w 10K HQI-MH w/ 4x24W T5 O & 12 Lunar Lights or something similar that is gathering dust somewhere :)
I have older Aquacontroler 3 that would nicely control all outlets, and i even think there is some lunar setting that could be used for the led's...
It has to have internal balast, no room in or around stand.
I tried LED's and did not like them. Great for heat issues during summer, but my corals did not take well. And i acclimated for looong time.
Currently have enclosed tank cover with T5's which make my chiller run even now in cold winter months.
I do not like the look of proped open hood.
So I'm thinking of trying open top with light sitting over the tank on legs to see how it does with heat and curious about coral response to that kind of light.
