Anyone have any space TPP coupons?


Moved On
My brother and I are going up to TPP this thursday for their thrifty thursday specials (25%) off. We are going to try to buy somethings for 25% off and then maybe go get something to eat and come back and try to get another item for 25% off. Think it will work? Need to save all the money I can for the holidays! I need to get another NO T5 light so I can get my 110g setup and give ken my 75g. ALso would like to get Korila pumps and possibly reef rock (reef bones) to try and make pillars for better aquascaping. Just wondering if anyone had any coupons laying around they don't intend on using? Thanks!
yea last time i had coupons i bought something took it out to the car and then walked back in and bought again of course it will work

as for having any extra sorry bro cant help u there
how do you get coupons from them?
I used to get flyers in the mail, but since I moved, they stop coming.
I got mine in the mail, otherwise you have to go on any day other then thursday, usually they are sitting out on the counter. I may go up this sunday to get some more, and a gift card for my brother for xmas. Guess I'll pick up a whole stack of them, haha. Maybe they will have some cool fish or something worth while. Anybody need any coupons? That's if I go up sunday, this thursday (12/17) I believe is the last 25% off day, don't quote me though.
Ok, well I went today just to get coupons for tomorrow. I have a lot extra if anyone needs them, tomorrow is the last thursday for 25% off though.
No, just dry goods, no tanks unfortunately. Turns out I didn't even get a chance to go today, sucks, I needed some korilia 4's and a T5 light, oh well. Maybe next month they will bring back 30% off.