Anyone have macro algaes in their nano?


New member
Anyone have any macro algaes they would recommend?
I have a Fluval 13.5gal I am setting up and would like to know what would be a good macro algae for looks.

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I have the red gracilara hayi n dragons breath n then green grape caulerpa on the sand bed. Sorry bad spelling on the names. I like the red macro slgeas they look nice, this my 29g biocube bta n clown tank.
Here is mine, I trade or sell my macros once they over grow the 29g. You can do the same or just throw it away. I also feed them to my tang, angel fish n foxface in my 110g tank.

I have some in my 10g nano. Not sure what it's called.

It just showed up in my tank and I kind of like it so I let it grown on one of my reef islands in the tank. It looks nice and provided beneficial stability to the tank. I prune it once a month.

aznflyfisherman yours looks really nice.

Seems to be an under appreciated part of our hobby, would love to have nice looking varieties for sale that one could buy for their tanks.

I'd be very careful with caulerpa, it can get out of hand quickly. Also, I've read instances where it's gone a-sexual and wiped out tanks.

I do love dragon's breath in the display....really vibrant color and local reefers always seem to want it and will trade neat stuff for it when you need to trim it. Or give it away and make a friend!
Yeah.. thanks, its in a 29g hiocybe easy to just pluck it out if ut gets out of control. I live the red macros, the gracilara hayi grows pretty fast. Anyone know if dragons breath grows fast n also do you guys glue the dragons breath to plugs or rocks? Right now im using a rubber babd n hope it attaches itself. Thsnks guys.
The green grape caulupa more then double in a month, its almost covering the whole sand bed, it gives a lot of cover n breeding grounds for the copepods. The gracilaria is growing like weeds as well, i had to sell a finner plate size. Got some dragons breath n they are starting to grow good too. What other macros should i get in there? Thanks..
In a month the green grape macro pretty much double in size. I also upgraded the lights to an AI Hydra52 n the macros are still growing but i have it only max at around 38%.


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I have some in my 10g nano. Not sure what it's called.

Seems to be an under appreciated part of our hobby, would love to have nice looking varieties for sale that one could buy for their tanks.

If you mean at the top of your tank, that is caulerpa serrulata.

There is a whole forum on Reefcentral on algae and algae-based tanks. I've seen some FANTASTIC algae-focused tanks in there, nano and otherwise. It's worth checking out.

It's under appreciated because it's difficult to control, needs more attention than corals, and while I resisted throwing it out there for a long time, after personal experience, if they are too close to corals, they do participate in "chemical warfare" with corals, which will stop their growth, or slowly kill them.

This includes the dragon's breath algae that I was growing for a long time in my tank. It absolutely stunted the growth of the coral closest to it. Once I got rid of the algae, the coral started growing quite quickly. So now I'm a believer. But it is fine to keep it in a rear/external chamber, either in a sump or back of a biocube of whathaveyou.
Thanks for the advice ReefWreak. I'll make the algae isn't touching any corals. I think macros are also not to liked because strong water flow knocks them around a lot.